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About The Trip

About the trip

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Top Reasons

Explore Europe

This itinerary includes visiting Italy and Israel for summer 2022.

Experience Jewish History Firsthand

There is no better way to learn history than to relive it. Spend Shabbat in different Jewish communities and visit their beautiful synagogues; Euro Israel exposes teens to the lives Jews led in Europe. We then continue on to Israel where you will visit the holy sites of your ancestors and appreciate the homeland that we have.

Learn Philosophy, Art, History and Geography

Euro Israel is an out-of-school opportunity to explore Jewish philosophy, learn about humanities, develop a greater appreciation for art, brush up on your knowledge of history, and, of course, travel to three different European countries and the land of Israel while having a blast with your friends.

Best Advisors Ever

The advisors on Euro Israel are hand-picked to serve as role models for you as you travel through Europe and Israel. Each advisor works to make your summer unforgettable.

Meet European Jewish Leaders

Euro Israel gives you the opportunity to meet and hear from leading European Jewish leaders. In previous years participants have met with community leaders from Spain, Italy, and also had the opportunity to meet Solomon Levy, the mayor of Gibraltar.